Once I realized the acting-up behavior I had been witnessing for the past three years was not a normal teenage rebellion. We had a problem, not only did he have a problem, but I had one as well. I was in foreign territory. As the shock subsided and the problem started to be in clear focus I began working on myself.
It was “People Reaching Out” that introduced me to a young counselor, David Gust; He became my lifesaver.
At the same time as our meeting, my son was sentenced to Juvenile Hall. Now what? David visited my 15 year old son at the Juvenile Hall. David was successful in this meeting and spent some valuable time with my son. On his release my son left home.
David and I continued to meet on a regular schedule to develop a strategy in dealing both with my and my son’s problem. David opened my eyes to the depth and the breadth of substance abuse rampant in Sacramento as well as the nation.
To compensate for my son’s absence, I met with David for training, guidance, and support. For over 38 years David has been a source of information for me, and a resource for families in crisis