Addiction & Recovery Treatment Counselor
Compassionately assisting any willing men and their families to transition from the daily, often internalized, struggles of addiction, to embracing the newfound challenges of recovery.

Addiction may be the problem. Recovery is the goal.
David Gust offers an innovative counseling program that has helped numerous people to live happy, healthy, and sober lives.
A key component of the counseling process is to emphasize what is necessary to achieve and maintain lifelong sobriety. Relapse prevention is focused on throughout the process as well as total body health through mindfulness, proper diet, exercise, and sleep hygiene practices.
David Gust founded his group practice specializing in substance use, addiction, codependency, and dual diagnosis issues after recognizing a need in the community. The foundation of this work was built from his education at the Hazelden Chemical Dependency Counselor Training Program and from his personal experience with recovery. David works exclusively with the adult male population (25-year-olds and up).
David’s clients come from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances.
- Did you see David in the past and are you facing challenges with maintaining sobriety?
- Have you been to an inpatient program or several but can’t seem to stay sober?
- Are you sober but struggling with issues preventing you from living your best life?
- Are you motivated for change and aware that more could be done to help you thrive?
- Are you ready to address your nicotine addiction?
- Are you a member of a 12 step program and think you may benefit from individual attention with a quality counselor who specializes in the physical, emotional and spiritual health needs of a person in recovery?
How can we help?
Recovery Counseling Services
Recovery Counseling Services David’s responsibility is to compassionately assist any willing men, and their families, in their transition from the daily, often internalized, struggles of addiction, to embracing the newfound challenges involving recovery. David’s counseling process is rooted in the most current information on addiction and recovery methods which recognize addiction as a threefold illness…
Educator David was the instructor at the Breining Institute Addictions Studies Program for over twenty years. He taught courses in: Adolescent Addiction, Family Counseling in the Treatment of Addiction, andPersonal and Professional Development for the Alcohol and Drug Counselor. He also taught two classes at the UC Davis Extension Program: Adolescent AddictionAdult Addiction He also…
Consultant David Gust has been a consultant to private and public institutions throughout his career, helping to develop both inpatient and outpatient programs for adolescents and adults. As the founder and creator of New Directions Program, he is recognized for program development in outpatient treatment for adolescents. He helped several major hospitals develop adolescent units,…
Mentor Mentoring new and seasoned counselors has been a passion of David’s. He feels a sense of responsibility to share his knowledge and skills and works closely with other counselors to help them provide the most effective treatment to their clients. David has mentored many counselors working directly with him at New Directions Program and…