Through my own experiences as a parent, I was able to connect with other parents, currently experiencing these very issues. The depth of the pain my family endured, helped me connect to families/parents.
David was extremely helpful and supportive, particularly in ensuring my statistics and data were accurate and current.
This support included, along with learning about the substance abuse problem, preparatory time for the many presentations I made as a member of the organization’s speakers bureau.
Being determined to make a difference I expanded my exposure into the substance abuse arena, by mentoring both adolescents and training parents using the Parent Project, Inc. ® model. David would lend strong support as a visiting expert for the parents, including the invaluable Q&A.
In the summer of 2019, while I was on vacation in Sacramento, David and I met, he brought me up to date regarding the state of the adolescent addiction recovery field. David has spent decades helping parents and I have been thankful for his advice.